Friday, October 1, 2010

Vane or flap air flow sensor/meter (AFM)

                                             (Lab work book)

Q. Are your results within the manufacturer's specifications, why or why not?
A. yes it is matched with manufacture's specifications.
Q. Explain the internal operation and why your voltage changes?
A.It is composed of the measuring plate, compensating plate, return spring, potentiometer and by-pass passage. When air passes through the air fow meter, It forces the measuring plate open to a point where it balances with the force of the return spring. The damping chamber and compensation plate prevent vibration of the measuring plate during periods of sudden intake air volume changes.
The potentiomete which is connected to the measuring plate and rotates on the same axis, converts the mechanical movement of the measuring plate into a variable voltage signal. Movement of the measuring plate and the analog voltage signal produced by this sensor are proprotional to the volume of air entering the intake manifold. (Toyota Input Sensors)
When the engine revs up, the throttle moves the moving slider up and down over the carbon strip. as it moves over the carbon strip, it changes the resistance at the outer terminals, (Vs and Vc). Change in resistance results in change in voltage at these terminals. This change in voltage goes to ECU and ECUthen processes the voltage and compares it with reference map. ECU then send signal to the actuators accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. your explanation is copied for from the Toyota engine control system document why is there no references!
